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热烈祝贺胡斌斌博士的论文Cooperative Label-Free Moving Target Fencing for Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Rigid Formation被控制领域国际顶级期刊Automatica录用为长文!

【来源: | 发布日期:2022-11-03 】

Abstract-This paper proposes a label-free controller for a second-order multi-agent system to cooperatively fence a moving target of variational velocity into a convex hull formed by the agents whereas maintaining a rigid formation. Therein, no label is predetermined for a specifified agent. To attain a rigid formation with guaranteed collision avoidance, each controller consists of two terms: a dynamic regulator with an internal model to drive agents towards the moving target merely by position information feedback, and a repulsive force between each pair of adjacent agents. Signifificantly, suffiffifficient conditions are derived to guarantee the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop systems governed by the proposed fencing controller. Rigorous analysis is provided to eliminate the strong nonlinear couplings induced by the label-free property. Finally, the effffectiveness of the controller is substantiated by numerical simulations.