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热烈祝贺刘彬博士后、浩飞博士后、东飞博士后的无人艇集协同论文“Scanning-chain Formation Control for Multiple Unmanned Surface Vessels to Pass Through Water Channels”被SCI影响因子为10.387的国际控制论顶刊IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics录用为长文

【来源: | 发布日期:2020-05-24 】

Abstract—For scenarios to pass through narrow and irregular channels, we develop a pragmatic distributed flexible formation protocol for multiple unmanned surface vessel systems (Multi-USVs). Therein, for path tracking with two leader USVs, we propose a model predictive trajectory tracking scheme. Specifically, we design a scanning-formation controller with a trajectory state estimator for the followers to follow the leaders so as to efficiently fulfill the passing-through mission. Asymptotic stability conditions are derived to guarantee the feasibility of the developed multi-USV controller. Finally, both numerical simulations and experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed multi-USV control strategies.