报告人:唐立新 院士

Systems optimization is the core basic theory of decision-making in smart industry, as well as the heart and engine of data analytics. This talk will discuss some systems modeling methods and optimization solution methods we have been working on. The systems modeling methods are to quantitatively describe different practical problems with proper formulations, including set-packing model, space-time network model, and continuous-time based model. The optimization solution methods include: 1) Integer optimization to optimally solve typical combinatorial optimization problems based on mathematical programming. According to the structure features of the problems, different methods are designated including branch-and-price, Lagrangian relaxation, Benders decomposition, outer approximation, and branch-and-cut. 2) Convex optimization is the core of machine learning. It is also used to solve practical continuous optimization problem. Major methods are discussed, such as gradient descent, alternative direction, second order cone, and semidefinite. Additionally, duality theories are used to improve their efficiency. 3) Intelligent optimization to solve the large-scale optimization problems with high non-linearity, dynamics, or multi-objectives. Various intelligent optimization algorithms will be discussed, including incremental dynamic DE algorithm, individual-dependent DE algorithm, and MOEA algorithm. 4) Topology optimization is used to scientifically design material layout within a given physical space, so as to maximize the system performance while satisfying a given set of loads and boundary conditions and constraints. It is widely used in lightweight design for mechanical equipment in smart industry. Major topology optimization solution methods to handle discrete structure and continuum structure are discussed. Overall, systems optimization provides the scientific basis for decision-making and data analytics in smart industry.
在IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology、IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Power Systems、Operations Research、Manufacturing & Service Operations Management、INFORMS Journal on Computing、IISE Transactions、Naval Research Logistics等国际重要期刊发表127篇论文。发表在国际工业与系统工程旗舰期刊IISE Transactions的论文被评为2017年度“最佳应用论文奖”(Best Applications Paper Award)。
现为6个国际工业智能与系统优化领域重要SCI期刊IISE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Journal of Scheduling, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society的Associate Editor,国际期刊Annals of Operations Research编委,国际期刊Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research区域主编(Area Editor)。受邀担任INFORMS International 2018的Cluster Chair,9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control的Track Chair。