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Illés Farkas

【来源: | 发布日期:2017-12-06 】

Name (Last, First Middle, degree): Farkas, Illés József, PhD.

Position: Senior research associate at the Hungarian Acad. of Sciences & Eötvös Univ.


Education Experience

2004, PhD Eötvös University, Physics, Title: Random graphs in life, Advisor: T. Vicsek.

2000, MSc Eötvös University, Biophysics, Advisor: T. Vicsek.


Professional Skill

- Large-scale numerical algorithms for collective motion, e.g., pedestrian panic

- Computing graph spectra: eigenvalue / eigenvector pairs inside large graphs' spectra

- Identification of overlapping modules in social and molecular biological networks

- Compiling & searching tables listing information (e.g., names) of biomolecules

- Setting up, maintenance of and support for scientific software and web servers

- Programming: Perl and Python (teaching), C (fluent), C++ and JS (used a few times)


Prize and Award

2009, Talentum Award, Hungary, 3 scientists per year below 35 from all fields

2007, Prima Junior Award, Hungary, 10 per year below 30 from all fields

2004, Young Scientist Award, German Physical Society, Socio-Economics, 1 per year

2001, Pro Scientia Medal, Hungary, 45 graduate & undergrad. students every 2nd year



1. Helbing D, Farkas I J, Vicsek T. Freezing by heating in a driven mesoscopic system. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1240 (2000)

2. Helbing D, Farkas I J, Vicsek T. Simulating dynamical features of escape panic. Nature 407, 487 (2000)

3. Farkas I J, Helbing D, Vicsek T. Social behaviour: Mexican waves in an excitable medi-um. Nature 419, 131 (2002)

4. Palla G, Derényi I, Farkas I J, Vicsek T. Uncovering the overlapping community struc-ture of complex networks in nature and society. Nature 435, 814 (2005)