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New breakthrough in power system research

【source: | Date:2017年12月01日 】

The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting was held in Chicago of United States from July 16th to July 20th, 2017. Our paper, entitled "Event Detection and Localization in Distribution Grids with Phasor Measurement Units", was accepted and selected as the Prize Conference Paper. Professor Ye Yuan is the only corresponding author. The winner was strictly selected after two rounds, where in the first round, about 60 to 80 candidates were chosen from more than 1000 papers with awarding the Best Paper. In the second round, experts from four committees select only one as the "Prize Conference Paper".

As the most influential professional conference on power industry, IEEE PES holds annual meetings, which attracts more than 4,000 related researchers from both academic and industry filed every year. The meeting aims at exploring the future development of electric-power industry and providing academic discussion platform for power and energy engineers from all over the world.

The diffusedly application of micro-PMU has promoted the development of fault monitoring, diagnosis and control in smart grid. For instance, online identification and fault diagnosis of corresponding events based on the variation of in power data are crucial for restoring service, preventing outages, and managing equipment health. Using the independent-developed data mining algorithm, professor Ye Yuan et al. convert the fault monitoring problem into a convex form which can be effectively solved, and thus achieve the fault diagnosis. One excellent advantage of this data-driven discovery method outlined in this paper is that it finds out when and where the faults occur without providing any understanding of the physical mechanisms, thus allowing a practical application prospect.