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Professor Haitao Zhang reported to Vice Premier Chunlan Sun the scientific research work of machine learning assisted classification of COVID-19 critically ill patients

【source: | Date:2021年06月03日 】

To thoroughly implement important directive spirit of general secretary Jinping Xi and deployment of the central leading group for responding to the epidemic, on the afternoon of February 29, Chunlan Sun ,member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, led a central guidance group to HUST to inspect the progress of scientific research on epidemic prevention and control. She highly affirmed the work and achievements of the university in fighting the epidemic by science and technology, and expressed her cordial greetings to the teachers and students of the university, thanking Huazhong University of Science and Technology for its important contribution in the fight against the epidemic.

Vice Secretary General of the State Council Xiangyang Ding, Deputy Director of the National Health Commission Xuejun Yu, Member of the Standing Committee of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor Chuping Huang, Secretary of the Party Committee Xinyu Shao and President Yuanyuan Li accompanied the inspection team.

In front of the building of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Sun Chunlan listened to the report of Professor Chen Jihong, director of the National CNC System Engineering Technology Research Center, on the development and application of a new generation of intelligent human body temperature infrared thermal imager. The device has the advantages of fast temperature measurement speed, high precision, long span and so on.Through face recognition and other artificial intelligence technology, greatly reduce the false alarm rate. Using Internet technology, the system realizes remote monitoring and alarm, and establishes a big data center for temperature monitoring. At present, the equipment has been put into use in Wuhan, Guangdong, Beijing and other places.Sun praised the research center for working overtime on production equipment during the outbreak.She pointed out that the wide application of the device is very helpful for the resumption of work and production in the future, which can be strictly controlled and flexible management, and can also be used to trace the whereabouts of people with abnormal body temperature and help with epidemiological investigation.

Professor Jianguo Chen, Member of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee and Vice President of the University, introduced the relevant work of COVID-19 drug development of the University.In front of booth, Chunlan Sun studied the diagnostic reagents that can be used for antibody detection of COVID-19 patients, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine can be used to treat COVID-19 and have antiviral effect, skin protective drugs are developed for patients and medical staff who wear gloves, masks, protective clothing and diapers for a long time to cause dermatitis, the first case of COVID-19 patient remains pathology and anatomical diagnosis report written by Professor Liu Liang's team from the Department of Forensic Medicine, important progress which Professor Li Hua's team from the School of Pharmacy has made in the research on drug intervention targets of COVID-19 virus, strategy consultation report on COVID-19 prevention and control and public health emergency response by Professor Kang Ouyang's team from the National Academy of Governance and several teams of professors from School of Public Health. Chunlan Sun fully affirmed these achievements.She said, Schools should set people's life safety and body health in the first place, control the urgent, establish a green channel for scientific research,focus on medical treatment, drug screening, especially the mechanism of action of traditional Chinese medicine, accelerate the selection and development of drugs with good clinical efficacy, give full play to the distinctive advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, constantly improve diagnosis and treatment plans and strengthen treatment guidance, and rely on scientific weapons to fight the epidemic.

In front of electronic display screen, Chunlan Sun listened to the report on COVID-19AI assisted diagnosis system from Associate Professor Xu Yongchao of the College of Telecommunications. Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Huawei Intelligent Innovation Laboratory, together with the Radiology Department of the Affiliated Union Medical College Hospital, Huawei Cloud, Blue Network Technology and other teams, jointly developed a set of AI-based COVID-19 lung CT image quantitative analysis system. At present, the system has been used in dozens of hospitals nationwide, with an average daily adjustment of more than 3,000 times.Chunlan Sun affirmed the accuracy of the system developed by the research team, which can assist doctors in quantitative analysis, greatly improve the efficiency and relieve the pressure on imaging doctors. She paid great attention to the application of the system, especially in Hubei Province and Wuhan City, and encouraged the team to combine CT images with nucleic acid reagents and other information to make more accurate diagnosis of COVID-19.

Professor Haitao Zhang, vice dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, reported to Chunlan Sun the scientific research and exploration work on the grading and early warning of critical patients with COVID-19 assisted by artificial intelligence method, which was jointly addressed by the School and affiliated Tongji Hospital. Chunlan Sun affirmed the scientific significance researching and exploring auxiliary diagnosis and treatment, and encouraged the team to continue in-depth research and improve its practicality.

Xinyu Shao, Secretary ofUniversity Party Committee, and Yuanyuan Li, President of University, reported the epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic work of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The University Party Committee conscientiously implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping Xi and the decision-making requirements of the superiors, and regarded winning the epidemic prevention and control war as a major political task and the most important work at present. The school firmly grasped the front hospital and the rear campus two battlefields, and went all out to receive and treat patients, playing the role of the mainstay in the fight against the epidemic. We will do our best to prevent and control the epidemic on campus and build a solid rear area to fight the epidemic. Strengthening scientific research and writing a good paper on the land of motherland.

Chunlan Sun delivered an important speech, affirming the strict management of HUST in campus prevention and control. When she learned that HUST is the country's largest provider of medical staff and beds, she said that HUST had been at the forefront when the country needs it, and had performed well in medical, scientific and social services. Chunlan Sun stressed that universities and researchers should further get rid of the "five only" tendency, stick to the problem-oriented approach and solve practical problems according to the needs of country, and write their papers on the land of motherland. She hoped that HUST, as a large-scale university directly under the administration of Ministry of Education, would take the lead in guiding teachers and students to devote themselves to study and scientific research, and create a rigorous and healthy atmosphere of study, teaching and school. The school should continue to give full play to the cross-advantages of medical and industrial workers, deeply study the effective ingredients of Chinese herbal medicine and the scientific principles of TCM treatment, and promote the clinical use of TCM on the basis of adhering to the homogenization and standardization of treatment.

Chunlan Sun stressed that the most important characteristic of the fight against the epidemic is to uphold the leadership of the Party, which is also the biggest advantage. We need to review the epidemic to strengthen our weak links and further strengthen China's public health system. She hoped that Huazhong University of Science and Technology would give full play to the advantages of public health and preventive medicine,put forward some good suggestions so as to ensure strict prevention and control as well as flexible management.Schools should be good at summing up some experience and specific operational methods to provide reference for other universities and social fields.