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Congratulations to Master Hu Zhe of our team for his paper "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Asymptotic Decoupling of Stable Modes in LTV Systems " being accepted as a long article by IEEE TAC,the top international journal of control

【source: | Date:2021年06月07日 】

Congratulations to Master Hu Zhe of our team for a paper in which he was the first author"Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Asymptotic Decoupling of Stable Modes in LTV Systems " being accepted as a long article by IEEE TAC,the top international journal of control.

Abstract:For a linear time varying (LTV) system contain-ing stable and unstable modes, the paper gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic decoupling of stable modes. Establishment of the conditions relies on newly developed techniques for analyzing matrix exponential and state transition matrix. The research exploits fundamental properties of LTV systems and advances the knowledge base of linear control theory. The results can find a direct application in the autonomous synchronization problem for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. The research methodology is based on rigorous theoretical proofs and numerical verification.