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The 4th "Artificial Intelligence and Swarm Intelligence" Academic Frontier Young Teams Exploration Forum was successfully held at HUST

【source: | Date:2021年06月16日 】

On November 15th, the 4th "Artificial Intelligence and Swarming Intelligence" Academic Frontier Youth Team Exploration Forum of Huazhong University was held in the Lecture Hall, Building 1. The seminar is sponsored by the School of Automation, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Science and Technology Development Institute, State Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology,National Key Laboratory of Multispectral Information Processing Technology, Key Laboratory of Image Information Processing and Intelligent Control of Ministry of Education, and IEEE Control Systems Society Wuhan Chapter. Academicians Xiong Youlun and Ding Han of the Chinese Academy of Sciences served as the chairmen of the conference.Professor Zhang Haitao and Professor Yuan Ye from Huazhong University of Science and Technology served as the executive chairman of the conference, which was chaired by Professor Zhang Haitao.

The seminar invited from all over the country, biological medicine, architecture, artificial intelligence, control of multiple disciplines such as mechanical science 12 well-known scholars and experts to do the report, from different fields to delve into the artificial intelligence and intelligent frontier science and technology challenges, comprehensive and discussed the development of the past and the future in this field focus and direction,and attracted more than 300 teachers and students came to participate.

Academician Xiong Youlun delivered a welcome speech at the seminar.He pointed out that artificial intelligence and swarm intelligence have become the hot spots of The Times that the science and technology circles and industrial circles increasingly pay attention to.In order to facilitate in-depth discussions among experts and scholars, this symposium conforms to the trend of The Times and provides a rare learning opportunity to track the world's leading edge and an exchange platform for collaborative development.

Professor Su Chunyi from Guangdong University of Technology made a report named "Modeling and Control of Smart Actuators", pointing out that intelligent Actuators have the characteristics of high energy density and fast response speed, and are playing an increasingly important role in micro/nano positioning applications.However, hysteretic nonlinearities are very common in smart material-based actuators.The report discusses the latest solutions to the modeling and control theory of the hysteresis effects of intelligent actuators, especially in the absence of complete information about the system model and state.

Professor Du Wenli from East China University of Science and Technology, in the report entitled "Challenges and Practices of Process Industrial Intelligence", took the petrochemical process field as the object, introduced the scene requirements and technical challenges of the application of AI technology in the process manufacturing process decision optimization and other fields, and combined with engineering application examples,andintroduced the latest research progress from three aspects: agile perception of crude oil properties, modal cognition of process operation and intelligent decision-making of production and operation.

Professor Luo Jun from Chongqing University gave a report on "Marine Unmanned Vehicle Intelligent Cluster Collaborative Control Technology", which focused on many challenges such as the difficulty of precise track tracking control under high sea conditions, the difficulty of dynamic obstacle avoidance, the difficulty of acoustic stealth under low frequency vibration noise and strong frequency hopping line spectrum, and cross-domain collaboration.Research work is carried out on anti-dry-motion control of attitude space and fluid disturbance space mapping, collaborative decision making and mission planning, cluster game confrontation, group self-organization and self-evolution and other cross-domain collaboration of ocean unmanned vehicle.

Professor Li Xiang of Fudan University made a report titled "Report on Constancy in Forty Thousand Variations -- Time-varying Network Time-stable Community as an example". He pointed out that community is one of the most important mesoscopic forms of network connectivity structure, and the discovery and determination of stable community is of great importance in the existence and influence of dynamic change network.Heintroduced how to find time-stable community structure in dynamic time-varying networks and discusses its application examples.

Nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics professor Chen Mou did titled "unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) goal of intention recognition and intelligent decision-making" report, points out that the cognitive process of information acquisition, storage, processing, transformation and operation of thinking activities such as feedback, is also the main body self control process, by eliminating the disturbance caused by environmental change, make accord with the purpose of the subject.Therefore, the simulation of the cognitive process will play an important role in the decision-making and control of UAV.

Xie Guangming, a professor at Peking University, hypothesized in a report entitled "Research on Energy Saving Mechanism of Fish Swim in Schools" that fish swim in schools, a common natural phenomenon, can save energy consumption of individuals, and proposed various explanations for the energy saving.Designing and developingfish-shaped underwater robot, and carrying out the quantitative research by robot experiment, which provides a new research method to explore this problem.

Shanghai university professor PuHuaYan report "strong disturbance, high dynamic space agency end position precision chuang cheng" is the main content for large space agencies sophisticated equipment precise position control demand, from the structure design, dynamic optimization, intelligent compensation control, etc., developed a series of wind tunnel simulation equipment, such as high maneuvering aircraft with strong disturbance and high dynamic, and ocean advanced equipment.

Yang Tao, a professor at Northeastern University, gave a presentation entitled "Distributed Optimization and Its Application in Smart Grid".Distributed optimization algorithm solves large-scale optimization problems through the cooperation and coordination between multiple agents. Compared with the traditional centralized optimization algorithm, it is more flexible, convenient and efficient, and has been widely used in power system, traffic system, information physical system and other fields.Aiming at the problem of optimal cooperative control of distributed energy in smart grid, two distributed cooperative optimization algorithms are proposed, and their convergence is proved and verified.

Professor Luo Hanbin, School of Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, made a report entitled "Research and Practice of Intelligent Construction". He pointed out that in the context of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, the construction industry needs to change its production mode and realize industrial transformation and upgrading.Based on the research and engineering practice of hubei digital construction and security engineering technology research center, this paper introduces the achievements of intelligent design and drawing review, project risk list generation, unmanned earthwork, unmanned shield construction, intelligent and healthy building, etc.

In a report entitled "Artificial Intelligence Biology: The Road to Smart Medicine Xue Yu, Professor of the School of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, summarized two works on the combination of deep learning and biomedicine completed by his team during the COVID-19 outbreak.Key indicators were extracted from multiple biomarkers such as biological proteases to predict the severity of disease in patients with COVID-11, and applied to data sets from different hospitals.

Zhu Lijun, a researcher from the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, points out in his report "Stability Analysis of Power Systems and Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators",in the absence of system failures, power systems also experience transient load and generation fluctuations.In this paper, a regional stability analysis framework based on regional parameterized Lyapunov functions is proposed.A new stability condition is derived, and it is proved that the stability of the power network is related to the topological structure of the underlying network, system parameters and the level of persistent disturbance.

Huazhong university of science and technology, mechanical science and engineering college researcher did Yang hua entitled "generation model based on depth texture visual surface defect inspection method of research and application of" report, points out that due to the complexity of manufacturing process, unavoidably appear all kinds of defects in all kinds of industrial products manufacturing process, the serious influence product quality, the user experience.Therefore, a series of visual detection methods for texture surface defects based on depth generation model are proposed, which can be realized by using only a small number of good samples, and have been successfully applied in new display device display defect detection.

Finally, Professor Zhang Haitao made a concluding speech and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the experts and scholars for their support to this seminar.

In this seminar, intelligent driving and intelligent manufacturing complement each other, artificial intelligence biology and intelligent robots complement each other, smart grid and intelligent construction drive development, ubiquitous sensing and complex network weave the future, autonomous unmanned systems and robotic fish empower the sea, land, air, and sky.Experts and scholars had in-depth discussions on the emerging new achievements, methods, equipment and applications of artificial intelligence and swarm intelligence. The atmosphere was warm.The conference has set up a platform for the collision of ideas and the sharing of achievements, and built a bridge for the scholars in the industry to deepen cooperation and seek common development.